Pentecost: Power for Mission! Passion for the Lost!

The Decade of Pentecost theme for 2012 is “Pentecost: Power for Mission! Passion for the Lost!” The theme verse is Acts 5:32 “We are witnesses of these things and so is the Holy Spirit whom God gives to those who obey Him.”
Again on “Day of Pentecost—2012” (27 May 2012), as has been done on past Pentecost Sundays, the Africa Assemblies of God is encouraging the pastors of each of its 68,000 AAGA-affiliated churches in sub-Sahara Africa and the Indian Ocean Basin to celebrate Pentecost by preaching a message on the baptism in the Holy Spirit and the Great Commission. They are then to pray with their people to be filled with the Spirit and empowered as Christ’s witnesses according to Acts 1:8 and 2:4.
Think of what can happen if every church were to participate! If every church participated, and if each one saw only ten new believers filled with the Spirit, the AG Africa would immediately see 680,000 new Spirit-empowered witnesses added to its ranks. As these newly-Spirit-empowered disciples are mobilized and pointed to the harvest, millions of new believers could be brought into the kingdom of God.
2012 Promotional Resources:
Sermon outlines can be found by clicking this link.
More sermons can be found by downloading the book Proclaiming Pentecost: 100 Sermon Outlines on the Power of the Holy Spirit at this link.
Promotional helps can be found at the following links:
English resources: link
French resources: link
Spanish resources: link
Portuguese resources link
Note: National leaders can find a downloadable Decade of Pentecost planning guide entitled The Decade of Pentecost: A Way Forward: Suggestions for Assemblies of God National Churches on How to Engage in the Decade of Pentecost by clicking this link.(This planning guide is in A4 format and available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.)
Current Theme
2015 Theme
Past Themes
2014 Theme
2013 Theme