Free Proclaiming Pentecost E-books
Edited by Mark R. Turney and Denzil R. Miller
Proclaiming Pentecost is an amazing collection of sermons produced by the Acts in Africa Initiative. It contains 100 easy to follow sermon outlines on the power of the Holy Spirit authored by more than 30 Pentecostal leaders from Africa and America. You can obtain this powerful resource in e-book format (PDF) by clicking on the download links below:

English Version
Proclaiming Pentecost: 100 Sermon Outlines on the Power of the Holy Spirit

La version française
Proclamer la Pentecôte: 100 plans d prédication sur la puissance du Saint-Esprit

La versión Española:
Proclamación del Pentecostés: 100 Bosquejos de Sermones Referente al Poder del Espíritu Santo

Kiswhali Version:
Kuitangaza Pentekoste: Mihutasari 100 ya Mahubiri Kuhusu Nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu

Versão em Português:
Proclamando Pentecostes: 100 Esboços de Sermões Sobre o Poder do Espírito Santo

Amharic Version:
Proclaiming Pentecost: 100 Sermon Outlines on the Power of the Holy Spirit

Chichewa Version: Kulalikira Pentekosti: Ma Ulaliki 100 A Mphamvu Ya Mzimu Woyera

Kirundi Version:
Kwamamaza Pentekote : Integuro 100 Z’ubutumwa Ku Bushobozi Bwa Mpwemu Yera

Moore Version:
Tɩ moon Pãntekote: Koe-mooneg 100 sẽn Gomd Sɩɩg-sõng Yellã Koe-zutu.

Malagasy Version:
Manambara ny Pentekosta: Drafitra Toriteny 100 mikasika ny Herin’ny Fanahy Masin