DOP Goals and Declarations

Prayer over AAGA leadership

From across Africa, Assemblies of God national churches have made Decade of Pentecost Declarations committing themselves to the AAGA “Decade of Pentecost” emphasis. Of those 50 national churches, 31 have filed reports with the Acts in Africa Initiative. In these declarations they have committed themselves to

  • planting 49,068 new churches
  • ensuring that 60% to 100% of their members are baptized in the Holy Spirit and mobilized as Spirit-empowered witnesses to the lost
  • training thousands of new pastors, missionaries, lay leaders, and church planters, and
  • engaging the more than 800 unreached people groups in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Decade of Pentecost Goal Summaries

1-5-AAGA Logo   National DOP Goals                         English

1-5-AAGA Logo   DOP Goals Summary                        English

Decade of Pentecost Declarations

6-Benin Flag  Benin Assemblies of God                          English    French

7-Botswana Flag  Botswana Assemblies of God                   English

8-Burkina Faso Flag  Burkina Faso Assemblies of God             English   French

Burundi Assemblies of God                   French

9-10-Cameroon Flag  Cameroon Assemblies of God                  English

9-10-Cameroon Flag  Cameroon Full Gospel Mission                English

CAR Flag  CAR Assemblies of God                              French/English

11-Chad Flag  Chad Assemblies of God                            English    French

12- Coted'lvorie Flag  Cote d’Ivoire Assemblies of God              French

13-15-DRC Flag  DRC Katanga AOG (Katanga)                   French

13-15-DRC Flag  DRC Assemblies of God (Isiro)                 English

13-15-DRC Flag  DRC AOG (Kinshasa)                                  English

16-Equatorial Guinea Flag  Equatorial Guinea AOG                              English

Ethiopia flag Ethiopia Assemblies of God                       Amharic/English

Ethiopia flag Ethiopian Full Gospel Church                   English

Ethiopia flag Ethiopian Guenet Church                           English

17-Gabon Flag  Gabon Assemblies of God                           English   French

  The Gambia Assemblies of God                English

18-Ghana Flag  Ghana AG (Ashanti Region)                       English

  Ghana AG (2017 Declaration)                    English

guinea-flag Guinea Assemblies of God                          French/English

19-Lesotho Flag  Lesotho Assemblies of God                        English

20-Liberia Flag  Liberia Assemblies of God                          English

21-Malawi Flag  Malawi Assemblies of God                          English

22-Namibia Flag  Namibia Pentecostal AG                             English

23-Nigeria Flag  Nigeria Assemblies of God                         English

24-Rwanda Flag  Rwanda Pentecostal AOG                           English

sierra-leone-flag  Sierra Leone Assemblies of God                English

25-South Africa Flag  South Africa International AG                   English

26-Swaziland Flag  Swaziland IMAOG                                        English

27-Tanzania Flag  Tanzania AOG (Evangelists)                      English

28-30 Zambia Flag  Assemblies of God in Zambia                    English

28-30 Zambia Flag  Zambia Pentecostal AOG                            English

28-30 Zambia Flag  Zambia Grace Ministries                             English

31-Zimbabwe Flag  Zimbabwe GC Assemblies of God             English