Decade of Pentecost Goals

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Decade of Pentecost (2010-2020)

On Day of Pentecost 2010 the Africa Assemblies of God Alliance launched their Decade of Pentecost emphasis. The emphasis will continue until Day of Pentecost 2020. Together, the 50 national churches making up the alliance have set the following decadal goals:

Decade of Pentecost Goals:

See 10 million new believers baptized in the Holy Spirit and mobilized as Spirit-empowered witnesses.

  • Raise up 100,000 intercessors who will pray daily for a Pentecostal outpouring upon the African church.
  • Plant tens of thousands of new Spirit-empowered missionary churches.
  • Recruit, train, and deploy tens of thousands of new Spirit-empowered pastors, church planters and cross-cultural missionaries.
  • Engage the 800+ yet-to-be-reached people groups of sub-Sahara Africa.
  • Partner with others to penetrate the 120+ unreached people groups of North Africa.